1. Homelessness

Ending unsanctioned camping as quickly as possible is a must for Portland. ‘Shelter Now’ is a strategy to do that. Opening more TASS sites should be the highest priority for the city because it’s a shelter program that is working. We need an enforceable Time, Place, Manner ordinance to clean up Portland today.

2. Portland Parks

Portland Parks should be the gem of our community. It’s time to get serious about cleanliness and maintenance and to make our parks a place families can gather once again. District 4 parks are suffering and we need to demand that Parks remain open, safe, and clean.

3. Neighborhood Main Streets

Portland is blessed with wonderful micro-downtowns all over our city. They should get the city support they deserve as business and cultural hubs for our neighborhoods. Multnomah Village, Hillsdale, St. Johns, Hollywood, Sellwood, Woodstock, and many more have Neighborhood Main Streets and it’s time we support their success.

4. Housing

City innovation is critical to improving our housing production in Portland. We need to create the opportunity for generational wealth by expanding housing ownership models for mid-to-low income purchasers. We need to expedite all housing developments and credit deeply affordable developments. It will take a host of options to build out of this shortage and achieve affordable Portland.

5. Public Safety

Public safety encompasses a wide range of aspects affecting people’s daily lives: drug addiction, emergency response times, property crime, gun violence, police brutality, and more. Therefore, our response to ensuring Portland is safer will require Portland needs every first responder and public safety entity rowing in the same direction. From Park Rangers, Portland Street Response,

6. Drug Addiction

Public drug use is illegal and it affects everyone. With the M110 reforms, the City needs to empower the police to enforce the law and send the message that the era of lawlessness is over. Livability matters and this is affecting livability in every Portland neighborhood.

7. Transportation

Portland can be a hub of transportation options and accessibility innovations. I want to see the integration of safe, sensical, and standardized transportation options in Portland. Portland has a great history innovating transportation options but many of us are feeling less safe today than we did years ago. Let’s make it safe, sensical, and standardized.